Thursday, February 16, 2012

So we have been negligent towards our blog. Life has been incredibly busy and writing has gone down a couple of rungs, but we haven't neglected the journey.

This month has been focused on possessions. When Jen Hatmaker – who we were inspired by – did this exercise she and her family gave away 7 things a day. We considered such a move, but realized that with two people earlier on in our marriage (and thus less accumulation of random stuff) that 7 things might be a little presumptuous. Instead we each decided that we would give away one thing every day of the week (ideally then 7 things each a week, but leap year will throw us off, perhaps we will do 7 things on that last day). There aren't rules about giving away to anyone specifically so sometimes out gifts are towards individuals and sometimes to organizations.

So far it has not been too difficult to actually give things away, but it has taken more time than expected to think of what do give away. We are still on the journey and have about half a month left. Things are slowing down now so expect more posts (including a reflection on last month).  

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